Jeremy and all the 5th grades went to Biz Town at the Gateway. This was one of the best fields trips I have every been on. (and I have been on alot) They have been getting ready to go to this little city for about 8 weeks. Jeremy was the CEO of Merit Medical. He had a staff of 4. They learn how to write checks, go to the bank and make deposits. His CFO made out invoices for the medical supplies. They paid bills, Jeremy signed all the checks just like the business would. GREAT PROGRAM!!!!!
Jeremy won Outstanding Customer Service Award. All the 5th grades voted when they where at Biz Town. I was so very proud!!!!
After a long hard day of work at Biz Town. This is the little guy that he got with the money he made.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Spring Baseball
The Sun was shining. The birds were singing. A great day for BASEBALL!!!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
The hair cut!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Every morning Patches jumps in Jeremy's backpack. She thinks she is getting to go. She misses Jeremy all day, she is waiting for him by the backdoor when he comes home from school. I think she thinks she is a dog!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
This is the best picture of the party!!!! We love you Amanda!!!